Class Schedule
*Class Schedule is subject to change*
The Semester At-A-Glance
Collaborative Media Taxonomy, Sept. 9-16
Narrative Project Phase I: Research, Sept. 9-16
Narrative Project Phase II: Ideation, Sept. 16-18
Narrative Project Phase III: Content Development, Sept. 23-25
Narrative Project Phase IV: Concept Development, Sept. 25-Oct. 9
Narrative Project Phase V: Implementation, Oct. 9-Nov. 6
+ Narrative Class Critique: Oct. 21 & 23
+ Final Narrative Critique: Nov. 4 & 6
2024 Capstone Reveal, Oct. 30
+ Capstone Research & Ideation Presentation, Dec. 4 & 6
+ Capstone Concept Presentation (Abstract & Visual Research), Nov. 18 & 20
Final Exam: Wednesday, Dec. 18, 3 – 6 pm [Tentative]
Semester Schedule Week-by-Week
Week 1
Wednesday, Sept. 4 (combined sections)
+ Course Introduction & Syllabus Review
+ Presentation: What is Cross-Media Design?
+ Introduction to Media Taxonomy Exercise
> Homework:
– Read McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extension of Man, 1964>.
*Note: Be prepared to discuss aspects of the essay during our in-class exercise on Monday September 9.
– Order: Ellen Lupton, Design is Storytelling, 2017>
Narrative Project Phase I: Research
Week 2
Monday, Sept. 9 (combined sections)
+ Bring notes on the McLuhan reading assignment as references for the in-class Exercise and discussion we will be doing today
+ Media Taxonomy In-Class Collaborative Project
– Review Media Taxonomy Project Brief
– Brainstorm as a large group
– Split work and assign tasks to specific working groups (time management, research, transcribing, documentation (photos), archivists, installation management, production resourcing, project management, etc.)
+ Introduction to Cross-Media Narrative Project
> Homework:
Choose story ideas from list provided or develop your own (2)
Wednesday, Sept. 11 (combined sections)
+ Media Taxonomy In-Class Collaborative Project, Con’t.
+ Small Group Critiques/Feedback: 2 (or 3 max.) story ideas for Narrative Project
> Homework:
– Review the Narrative Project Inspiration Slideshow>
– Narrative Project Research: Based on the selected 2 story directions, do the following for EACH story:
– Write a 50-word abstract per story that addresses your project, goals, audience, and mediums and why you chose the mediums (affordances).
See Abstract Resources Post here>
– Bring in 5 pieces of possible content from your research (more is always encouraged) for each story, we suggest at least 3 written pieces (quotes, peer-reviewed articles, books, magazines, etc. no blogs or websites) and 3-4 images/visual research (images, drawings, charts, paintings, photographs, branding, product design, environmental design, etc.)
– Read: Lupton, Ellen. Design Is Storytelling, Act 1 | Action pg. 14
Narrative Project Phase II: Ideation
Week 3
Monday, Sept. 16 (combined sections)
+ Media Taxonomy Install
+ Narrative Project Small Group Critiques: For your 2 possible Story ideas, present 50 word abstract, content and visual research as hard copies. (*see Sept. 11 Homework above for details).
> Homework:
– Review the Narrative Project Inspiration Slideshow>
– Narrative Project Research: Based on the selected 2 story directions, do the following for EACH story:
– Write a 50-word abstract per story that addresses your project goals, audience, mediums including why you chose the mediums (affordances). We strongly suggest you do not use ChatGPT for this purpose, as this writing is intended to help you shape your ideas, and ChatGPT does not know your ideas; only you do. *If you use ChatGPT you must include the actual Prompt you used, and cite that you used ChatGPT.*
See Abstract Resources Post here>
– Bring in minimum of 10 pieces of content and visual research as hard copies for each story (2), for a total of 20 for Wednesday’s class.
– Reading: Lupton, Ellen. Design Is Storytelling, Act 2 | Emotion pg. 56
Wednesday, Sept. 18 (combined sections)
+ Narrative Project Small Group Critiques / Working Session: For your 2 possible Story ideas, present 50 word abstract, content and visual research as hard copies. (*see Sept. 16 Homework above for details).
> Homework:
– Continue Narrative Project Content Research and preparation of raw materials for story mapping on Monday, Sept. 23.
Narrative Project Phase III: Content Development
Week 4
Monday, Sept. 23 (combined sections)
+ In Class Narrative Mapping Exercise.
*For this project, you will need to bring hard copies/printouts of all of your content and visual research, as well as tools to work with to “map” your 2 possible story directions. Suggested tools: x-acto knife and/or scissors, sharpies, pens, ruler, pencils, post-its or index cards, sketching materials, etc.
At the end of the mapping exercise, we will collectively select the story you will work with for the Narrative Project this semester.
SIGN UP SHEET for Remote Meetings w/ Professor Auger >
> Homework:
– Continue to develop/complete the Narrative Mapping exercise for both of your possible story ideas (2).
Take a clear, straight-on photo of each map, and upload them to your folder on our class website before the start of Wednesday’s class.
Link to our Shared Google Drive >
Wednesday, Sept. 25
+ In Class: One-On-Ones – Narrative Mapping & Working Session – Narrative Concept Sketching
Bring your further developed and completed Narrative Mapping for both of your 2 possible story ideas to class. Before class, reflect on which story direction you believe has the most potential, and be ready to talk about why during class. In addition, further consider your two potential medium approaches for each possible Story, and be prepared to discuss your reasoning based on medium affordances.
– In Class: Begin Narrative Project Concept Development using the selected Story direction from class.
Conduct a through sketch process to develop many different possible approaches for your Narrative Project, exploring different mediums. *Reminder: for this project, you will create two (2) distinctly different visual interpretations of your story, each utilizing a different medium. Be prepared to discuss why you have selected each medium.
See examples of pencil concept sketches here>
> Homework:
– Conduct a through sketch process to develop many different possible approaches for your Narrative Project, exploring different mediums.
See examples of pencil concept sketches here>
See examples of visual language studies for mediums here>
– Start to explore potential visual language approaches, one for each of your two Story interpretations/mediums (type studies, imagery exploration, color palette, etc.). Be prepared to discuss why you have selected each medium.
Narrative Project Phase IV: Concept Development
Week 5
Monday, Sept. 30
+ Presentation/Critique: Narrative Project Concept Development
Present multiple concept/pencil sketch explorations for both mediums, along with preliminary exploration of visual language approaches. Upload a PDF that includes both your pencil/concept sketches along with your visual language studies to our shared Google drive before class. Link to our Shared Google Drive >
*Reminder: Each of your Narrative Projects will use a different medium, and be distinctly different in terms of visual language (i.e. color palette, typography, imagery, etc.)
> Homework:
– Form making begins! Further develop your concepts as defined in your pencil sketches, and select the strongest and most appropriate based on your target audience(s), goal, and medium affordances. See post about Mid-term Narrative Project Presentations for next week here>
Wednesday, Oct. 2
+ Class: complete Media Taxonomy installation
> Homework:
– Work/preparation for Mid-Term Narrative Project Presentations.
See examples of Mid-term Narrative Project Presentations here>
Week 6
Monday, Oct. 7
– Presentation/Critique: Mid-Term Narrative Project Presentations
> Homework:
– Form making continues… Based on the feedback you received, continue to develop your design concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2.
Wednesday, Oct.9
– Presentation/Critique: Mid-Term Narrative Project Presentations Con’t.
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received during the Critique this week, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums on Monday Oct. 14. Keep in mind to be intentional about your exploration and presentation, for example:
+ Motion = Storyboard & computer “comps” (3-4 key frame digital sketches)
+ Website or Interactive = Site map & computer “comps” (2-3 screen sketches)
+ Print-based (i.e Poster, Booklet, etc.) = Sketches & computer “comps” (2-3 spreads)
+ Object or packaging = Prototype (as appropriate)
+ In addition, review Tim Samara, Making and Breaking the Grid, Second Edition
Due for Presentation: Further development of your design concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Designs should use real content (no Lorem Ipsum).
Your work to do the above will involve:
a) Creating assets (typography, color, visual elements) and
b) Define grid structure for both media (as applicable).
c) Further develop/refine and organize your content: text-based elements (copy content, interview content, data, etc.), any other elements you plan to incorporate.
– Reading: Lupton, Ellen. Design Is Storytelling, Act 3 | Sensation pg. 112
Narrative Project Phase V: Implementation
Week 7
Monday, Oct. 14
– Small Group Critiques & Working Session: Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums, based on the Homework outlined above on Oct. 9th. Keep in mind to be intentional about your exploration and presentation, for example:
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums on Wednesday, Oct. 16. Keep in mind to be intentional about your exploration and presentation, for example:
+ Motion = Storyboard & computer “comps” (3-4 key frame digital sketches)
+ Website or Interactive = Site map & computer “comps” (2-3 screen sketches)
+ Print-based (i.e Poster, Booklet, etc.) = Sketches & computer “comps” (2-3 spreads)
+ Object or packaging = Prototype (as appropriate)
+ In addition, review Tim Samara, Making and Breaking the Grid, Second Edition
Due for Presentation: Further development of your design concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Designs should use real content (no Lorem Ipsum).
Your work to do the above will involve:
a) Creating assets (typography, color, visual elements) and
b) Define grid structure for both media (as applicable).
c) Further develop/refine and organize your content: text-based elements (copy content, interview content, data, etc.), any other elements you plan to incorporate.
*Please note – there are two more major class Critiques for the Narrative project, one next week. This is what you should be working towards.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
– Small Group Critiques & Working Session: Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums, based on the Homework outlined above on Oct. 9th.
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums during our next class session. *Please note – there are two more major class Critiques for the Narrative project, one next week. This is what you should be working towards.
Week 8
Monday, Oct. 21
– One-on-Ones & Working Session
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums during our next class session. *Please note – there are two more major class Critiques for the Narrative project, one next week. This is what you should be working towards.
*Jia, Justice, Jean, Jammie, Brandon, Alyssandre, Elizabeth, Liam, Alexis, Jazmyne, Camilla, please sign up for a 10-minutes virtual meeting with Sophie:
SIGN UP SHEET for Remote Meetings w/ Professor Auger >
Wednesday, Oct. 23
– One-on-Ones & Working Session
> Homework:
– Next Week: Narrative Project Critique 1. See Post with what to present and how to present it for the Critique here >
Week 9
Monday, Oct. 28 (combined sections)
– *Narrative Project Critique 1*
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums during our next class session.
Wednesday, Oct. 30 (combined sections)
– *Narrative Project Critique 1* (Con’t.)
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums during our next class session.
Week 10
Monday, Nov. 4 (combined sections)
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received during the Critique last week, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums during our next class session.
Monday, Nov. 6 (combined sections)
— Capstone Reveal
— Library Visit & Intro. to Capstone Resources
> Homework:
– Based on the feedback you received during the Critique last week, further develop and refine your visual concepts for Medium 1 and Medium 2. Be ready to present significant design development for both Mediums during our next class session.
Week 11
Monday, Nov. 11
– One-On-Ones, Peer Reviews & Working Session
> Homework:
– Create at least one Post for the RU-N Dialogue Platform >
– Continue to refine/complete your Narrative Project mediums
Wednesday, Nov. 13
– One-On-Ones, Peer Reviews & Working Session
> Homework:
– Create at least one Post for the RU-N Dialogue Platform >
– Continue to refine/complete your Narrative Project mediums
Week 12
Monday, Nov. 18
– One-On-Ones, Narrative Project
> Homework:
– Continue to refine/complete your Narrative Project mediums
– Begin Capstone Research & Ideation
Wednesday, Nov. 20
– One-On-Ones, Narrative Project
> Homework:
– Continue to refine/complete your Narrative Project mediums
– Continue Capstone Research & Ideation
*Next Week: Narrative Project Final class Critique.
Week 13
Monday, Nov. 25 (separate groups)
*Narrative Project Final Class Critique*
> Homework:
– Homework Over Thanksgiving: Capstone Research & Ideation >
[ Wednesday, Nov. 27 – Friday Schedule NO CLASS ]
> Homework:
– Continue Capstone Research & Ideation
Week 14
Monday, Dec. 2 (combined sections)
– *Capstone Research & Ideation Presentation*
> Homework:
– Continue Capstone Research & Ideation
Wednesday, Dec. 4 (combined sections)
– *Capstone Research & Ideation Presentation* (Con’t.)
> Homework:
– Continue Capstone Research & Ideation
Week 15
Monday, Dec. 9
– One-on-Ones & Working Session (as needed)
> Homework:
– Narrative Project Final Production & Implementation
– Capstone Didactic Deliverables
Wednesday, Dec. 11 [Last day of classes]
– One-on-Ones & Working Session (as needed)
> Homework:
– Narrative Project Final Production & Implementation
– Capstone Didactic Deliverables
Cross-Media Exam: ~ Dec. 18, 3-6pm Mini Exhibition, Express Newark, Room 218
Image: Stendig Calendar