Useful Links & Resources

October 13 2022, 0 Comments

W3Schools should be your go-to site for quick references of HTML & CSS, as well as tutorials on different web development languages, like HTML, CSS, and more.

CSS Tricks
CSS Tricks is another fantastic resource for understanding rules and uses of different CSS properties. Guides include single-property explanations as well as breakdowns of more complex ideas.

Codecademy Glossary
Useful glossary of things code-related.
Online tutorials over many subjects, including HTML/CSS. Our department has a lynda account that you can use. (You can ask Dana about this; I will also get the recent account info to share with you all.)

Chrome Browser Developer Tools
Chrome has Browser Web Tools such as “inspect element.” You can find out more about them here.

CSS Zen Garden
A site devoted to showcasing what you can do with CSS-based design.

Meyer’s Reset
Resets browser’s CSS defaults.

JS Fiddle
When trying out new concepts in code, it can sometimes be easier to set up an example and work in a JS fiddle than it is to work with your project. Use this site as a private sandbox to try ideas, troubleshoot, test strategies, etc.

Visual Studio Code Introduction

CSS Grid
Using a grid layout can help you quickly organize your website’s content. This YouTube series covers multiple grid layouts including a 12-column grid.

Linking CSS stylesheet to HTML file
Make sure you are linking your CSS stylesheet to your HTML file. If you skip this step your HTML will not be styled by your CSS.

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