The Colophon

November 17 2024, 0 Comments

A colophon is a traditional element in a book that provides details on printing, production, typography, and often other specifics about the book, its content and authorship.

Below I have included links to a few articles about the colophon, as well as some examples that I think might be particularly appropriate to you.

We would be happy to read your colophon draft and give you feedback before you print your publication. You can email us and we will reply with any suggestions.

 Textual Histories – The Colophon

Praise the Colophon

Book Terminology

“This book was produced in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Cross-Media Design Studio, under the instruction of Professors Jennifer Bernstein and Sophie Auger, Department of Arts, Culture & Media, Graphic Design Program, Rutgers University-Newark, Fall 2024. The Introduction was written by Donna Forteau. Additional content was referenced by two articles; “The History of Swear Words: Where the Do They Come From?” from Discover Magazine and “7 Oldest Curse Words in History” from The type is set in Nexa Rust Sans for display and Adobe Clean UX regular, bold and bold italic for body text. The book is printed on [INCLUDE NAME, COLOR, AND WEIGHT OF PAPER STOCK], and printed on [INCLUDE NAME OF PRINTER/MODEL #]. This book was designed, printed, and hand-bound by Donna Forteau.

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