Narrative Project: Final Class Critique

November 20 2024, 0 Comments

On Monday, November 25th each of you will present the completed design of your Narrative Project, both mediums. The critique will be conducted in two separate groups of 11 students with each Professor. This is the final opportunity for you to receive concentrated feedback on the design of your Narrative Projects before we pivot our focus to Capstone research and ideation.

*Note: We do not expect full working prototypes of interactive work, final full-color printed/bound publications, or 3D printed prototypes until the Cross-Media Exam on December 18th, 3-6 pm. However, presenting any print medium or object/artifact/installation includes physical samples whether printed dummies of publications, prototypes or paper mockups of objects, etc. See below for details.

It is important that you carefully read and follow the presentation directions and criteria below. If you have any questions, please let us know.

You are required to be present and participate in all critiques. This is an important part of your educational experience and professional conduct as a designer and member of our studio community. Absence without a documented medical condition will result in a score of 1 (“unacceptable”) on your evaluation. 

Each Medium you create should be a distinctly different interpretation / design solution (different visual language, imagery, typography, etc.) of your story that utilizes the unique affordances of each medium.
Be prepared to explain your rationale for these choices. Include relevant elements as part of your medium as appropriate, such as a bibliography, image credits if using/modifying found images, content sourced (if not written by you), and colophon. See Colophon example for reference here >

All work will be projected on-screen as high-res PDFs for presentation, both as mockups and flat digital files (as appropriate), along with physical samples for print/artifact-based mediums. See guidelines for how to present each kind of medium, and what you will need to present in physical prints/artifacts as described below. (No printing, cutting, binding, etc. once class has begun.)

All work needs to be uploaded into the Folder created for this purpose on our shared Google Drive in PDF format. Name your file using this naming convention: FirstInitialLast_NarrativeFinalCritique. (For example using my name: JBernstein_NarrativeFinalCritique.)
Link to Narrative Project: Final Class Critique Presentation Folder>
All work needs to be in this folder and ready for presentation at the start of class time, including printed or other artifact-based work. (No printing, cutting, binding, etc. once class has begun.)

+ Page 1: Title page (Your Project Title, Your Name, Date)
+ Page 2: Refined Narrative Abstract (Should include description of both mediums, their target audience, the goal of your project, and how use of affordances of each medium is significant to your design solution.
+ Page 3 –XX: Design of Medium 1 and Medium 2 *(SEE below for specific instructions for how to present each type of medium.)
a) Present your designs in digital format.
b) Use mockups to show intended final production and intended siting of your project if you are working in installation/environmental design, or 3D printed mediums.
Mockup resources: free decent mockups ( free mockup zone, graphic pear, mockup tree, mockup world, pexels, adobe stock


Websites / Apps / Interactive Experiences
Present the completed design of your Website/App/Interactive Experience as static screens with “before” and “after” versions to demonstrate the interactivity. (Present all screens, motion, sound, and interactive elements.) Add the export of your design to your Presentation PDF.
a) Medium shown in appropriate mockup (computer, phone). Choose simple mockup without distracting background/scene – just the device.
b) Show every screen with “before” and “after” to show interactivity (in mockup). Make sure mockup is large enough on-screen to show your design.

*Be ready to briefly describe the affordances of your medium and why these affordances are meaningful for your design solution, your target audience, and goal of your project.

Designs must be full-color / fully-designed solutions that demonstrate your design concept, navigation and interactivity. You do not need to show your comps as working prototypes/XD, etc. but show “before” and “after” screens for each of the three Pages that demonstrate the interactivity and/or animation, use of sound, etc.

Time-based Media
Present the completed design of your time-based piece through full-color, full-motion and audio video output.
a) Show full-motion video of time-based piece on-screen. (Separate file from PDF Presentation.)

*Be ready to briefly describe the affordances of the medium and why these affordances are meaningful for your design solution, your target audience, and goal of your project.

Designs must be full-color / fully-designed solutions that demonstrate your design concept, visual language, use of motion and sound.

Publications (Books / Editorials / Zines etc.)
Present the completed design of your publication. Save PDF of all pages as “Spreads” (place a thin line in the gutter of each spread before exporting so the composition is accurate on-screen.) *In addition, present present an actual-sized black-and-white “dummy” of your publication trimmed, and taped together into spreads so that we can look at the scale of typography, etc. (We not expect final binding at this point, but bring any relevant materials you plan to use, such as paper stock, and be ready to talk about your plans for binding.)

a) Show full PDF of publication in spreads. (Separate file from PDF Presentation.)
b) Printed/bound publication at 100%

*Be ready to briefly describe the affordances of the medium and why these affordances are meaningful for your design solution, your target audience, and goal of your project.

Designs must be full-color / fully-designed solutions that demonstrate your design concept, visual language, and the narrative arc/pacing of your publication.

Poster Series
Present the completed design of your poster series (2-3 posters) saved as PDFs. *In addition, bring the Poster series printed out at in black-and-white at 100% (tiled-out and taped together is fine), so that we can look at the scale of typography, etc.

a) Show entire poster series on one slide
b) Then slides of each poster individually
c) Poster series printed at 100%

*Be ready to briefly describe the affordances of the medium and why these affordances are meaningful for your design solution, your target audience, and goal of your project.

Designs must be full-color / fully-designed solutions that demonstrate your design concept, visual language, and the narrative arc of your poster series.

Present the completed design of your object/prototype. If you will be using 3D printing, we do not expect to see a 3D printed piece. However, please include any 3D test sketches, and/or a mockup of your piece that demonstrates the intended location for the siting of the work (location, scale). *In addition, bring a 100% scale paper mockup of the physical object/prototype to class so that we can look at the scale of typography and other visual elements, etc.

a) Use mockups to show intended final production and siting of your piece (i.e. on the street, in front of a school)
b) Printed model/dummy actual size to look at 3D relationships and typography

*Be ready to briefly describe the affordances of the medium and why these affordances are meaningful for your design solution, your target audience, and goal of your project.

Designs must be full-color / fully-designed solutions that demonstrate your design concept, and visual language for this visual interpretation of your story and use of the medium.

Installation / Environmental Design
Present the completed design of your installation/environmental design as a flat (digital file) and in situ mockup that shows installation scale. *In addition, bring a section of your installation printed out at 100%(tiled-out and taped together is fine), so that we can look at the scale of typography, etc.

a) Use mockups to show intended final production and siting of your piece (i.e. on the street, in front of a school)
b) Printed sections at 100% to show scale and typography

*Be ready to briefly describe the affordances of the medium and why these affordances are meaningful for your design solution, your target audience, and goal of your project.

Designs must be full-color / fully-designed solutions that demonstrate your design concept, and visual language for this visual interpretation of your story and use of the medium.

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