Book Colophon w/ Samples

April 1 2016, 0 Comments

A colophon is a kind of credits page in traditional books. Usually, this includes information about the design of the book, typefaces and production methods used. It also often includes why the book was created and where. Image credits (if brief) can be included here. If they are more extensive they might require an Image Credits page separately.

Below are a few examples, including one for Jennifer’s project.

I hope this is helpful!


“This book was produced in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Senior BFA Capstone Project, under the instruction of Professors Jennifer Bernstein and Rebecca Jampol, Department of Arts, Culture & Media, Graphic Design Program, Rutgers University-Newark, Spring 2024. The Introduction was written by Donna Forteau. Additional content was referenced by two articles; “The History of Swear Words: Where the &%@! Do They Come From?” from Discover Magazine and “7 Oldest Curse Words in History” from The type is set in Nexa Rust Sans for display and Adobe Clean UX regular, bold and bold italic for body text. The book is printed on [INCLUDE NAME, COLOR, AND WEIGHT OF PAPER STOCK], and printed on [INCLUDE NAME OF PRINTER/MODEL #]. This book was designed, printed, and hand-bound by Donna Forteau.

“This book was designed by Jennifer Yacoub as part of a Senior Capstone project under the instruction of Professor Jennifer Bernstein, Department of Arts, Culture and Media, Graphic Design Program, Rutgers University-Newark, Spring 2016. The type is set in …  designed by,…and printed on …. paper stock on….kind of printer… The book was bound by hand by Jennifer Yacoub.”

“This book was designed by Robert Bringhurst, set into type by Robert Bringhurst and Susanne Gilbert at The Typeworks in Vancouver, and printed and bound by Friesens in Altona, Manitoba. The text face is Minion, designed by Robert Slimbach, issued in digital form by Adobe Systems, Mountain View, California, in 1989…The paper – which is Glatfelter laid – was made at the Springs Grove Mill in Springs Grove, Pennsylvania. It is of archival quality and acid-free.”

“This book was set in Myriad Pro Light, designed by Robert Slimbach of the Adobe Company. It is set in 8 point type, 13 point leading. It was designed by Jillian de la Fuente in the course Typographic Systems in the Graphic Design Department of The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA, Fall 2005.”

“This book was designed by Erik Herter, under the instruction of Debra Drodvillo in the course Typographic Systems, Graphic Design Department, University of the Arts, Spring 2011. The text face was designed by John Baskerville, in the year 1750. Baskerville is a Neoclassical typeface originally created in Birmingham, England.”

“Photographs scanned from books courtesy the Morton R. Godine Library at the Massachusetts College of Art & Design in Boston, MA. This booklet was designed using Adobe Creative Suite 5. It is typeset in Mercury and Bureau Grotesque. Thanks to Karen Stein and my classmates in Typography II. Special thanks to xxxx xxxx for input on the cover. Printed with Canon inject on Red River paper.”


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